HBA Legal launches inaugural Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)

Date: July 18, 2022


Following formal endorsement from Reconciliation Australia, HBA Legal has published its inaugural Reflect RAP.

In doing so, we are proud to join the 1100+ corporate, government and not-for-profit organisations across Australia that have made a formal commitment to reconciliation with First Nations Australians through the well-established RAP program.

Our RAP has been driven by a group of passionate HBA employees (with strong support from the HBA leadership team). In arriving at this place where we have an endorsed and published RAP, that group of passionate employees has proactively increased awareness of First Nations culture within both HBA and the broader Crawford business (our parent company).  We are looking forward to continuing that great work by following the actionable targets that we’ve set for ourselves within.

This Reflect RAP represents a formalisation of HBA’s commitment to reconciliation. It describes the initiatives we plan to take in order to increase meaningful engagement and partnerships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.  We consider this RAP only the beginning of our reconciliation journey. With a growing team and an increasing sphere of influence, this RAP forms a foundation from which HBA Legal aims to grow to actively support all dimensions of reconciliation.

You can read our RAP here.



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